EULID, Euro Living Donor

This project is receiving co-funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU Health Programme 2003-2008.



EULID Project CD

Here are presented the final recommendations of the working groups for the legislation and standard procedures; summary of consensued ethical statements regarding living donors; recommendations for the protection of the living donors and strategy to monitor living donors


  • Prohibition and penalization of organ trafficking, transplant tourism and commercialism, including incentives.
  • Prohibition of minors and persons unable to give consent.
  • Authorization of transplant centers and registry of living donors under the control of authorities.
  • Regulation of independent commission ( evaluation, information, approval ).
  • Reimbursement of expenses related to donation and provisions to protect donors and their families from discrimination, permanent injury or death.


  • The altruism of living donors should be object of the most elevated consideration by the community.
  • The promotion of living donation should not impede cadaveric donation and its development to its maximal potential.
  • Organ trafficking, commercialism or incentives are ethically unacceptable and should be banned.
  • Living donors candidates should be protected of any form of physical, psychological, social or economical disadvantage.
  • Autonomy of potential living donor should be respected if there is not a greater risk
  • The reimbursement model should be implemented by health authorities to protect donors.


  • Careful selection and information to the living donor is crucial for donor safety. Not everyone who wants, can become a donor.
  • Sick leave with 100% payment and socio- medical and protective support if sick leave is prolonged.
  • Full economic reimbursement during investigation and procedure.
  • Financial coverage in case of unforeseen events related with the procedure.
  • Medical follow-up obligated and psychosocial support if needed.
  • Living donation should not be a limitation for getting a life insurance, mortgage as well as any other social assistance or benefit.
  • Homogenous protection systems within the European Union with a defined minimum standard.


  • Registration of all living donors is obligated for the purpose of traceability, safety and transparency of activity and procedure outcome.
  • Collection of living donor data has to be done through an established central database system, accessible by appropriately authorized persons.
  • Data on identification, country of residency, nationality, type of donation, health care institutions and outcome are obligatory to register, with protection of the donor’s proper privacy. An official point of contact has to be made to the embassy of donor’s country of residence.
  • A regulatory audit is mandatory and data should be both monitored on a national and institutional level.

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